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Chepelare - Procotsani - Interreg Greece-Bulgaria

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Located in Kali Vrisi
During the so-called "twelve-day period" (i.e. the period between Christmas and Epiphany), a series of customary events take place in various villages of the Prefecture of Drama. One of the most important of these events is that of the "babougera", which takes place on the 6th, 7th and 8th of January in Kali Vrisi of the Municipality of Prosotsani. The main characters of the event are the "babougera", which, after the blessing of waters on Epiphany, wander in the streets and knock people with the ash bag they carry. "Babougera" have the form of a goat that symbolizes the power for life and carry large bells that awaken nature with their sound. At the peak of the event on January the 8th, the "babougera" storm in to steal the bride of a mock Dionysian marriage, where, of course, the bride is ... a disguised man of the village. Disguises, spontaneity, mood swings and Dionysian references testify to the pagan origin of the customary event, which later became part of the Christian feasts of the inhabitants.
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