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Project "Integrated Approach for the Development of Cultural and Natural Sites in Chepelare, Bulgaria and Trans-Greece, Greece" (INTEGRA_TOUR), funded by the INTERREG V-A Cooperation Program "Greece-Bulgaria, 2014-2020".
Subsidy Contract No. B2.6c.01 dated 31.08.2017, with a maturity of 60,5 months, until 15.09.2022.
Leading beneficiary (PB1) Municipality of Chepelare, Bulgaria
Beneficiary 2 (PB2) Municipality of Prosocani, Greece
The overall objective of the project is to preserve and improve the local culture, monuments and natural and human tourism resources and to promote forms of tourism that provide opportunities for interaction between tourists and locals, as well as to promote understanding of different cultures, customs, lifestyle, traditional knowledge and beliefs. The policy of cross-border cooperation is to establish cross-border links in order to allow a common approach to common problems and opportunities. The purpose of the Project is directly in line with the SO6 of the Program: protection and protection of the environment and promotion of resource efficiency.
The specific objectives of the project are:
Development of infrastructure needed to improve the tourism potential of the sites in Bulgaria and Greece;
Encourage the active involvement of all stakeholders, including local authorities, the private sector, tourism organizations, local communities, NGOs, youth clubs, etc. at all stages of the life cycle of tourism ;.
To promote environmental protection, conservation and sustainable use of natural resources;
To promote Chepelare and Protochani as a tourist holiday destination; Regeneration and conservation of built-up and natural environment;
Improving the image of both municipalities
The specific objectives of the project are expected to be achieved through:
Capacity building based on knowledge transfer and know-how;
Rehabilitation and protection of cultural values of cross-border importance;
ICTs that support a better interpretation of natural and cultural heritage;
Joint events to promote cultural identity and raise awareness of the cultural heritage of the cross-border region
Expected results
Joint management team made up of municipal staff and external experts;
Video on the Leaked Project;
Final conference on the project;
2 rehabilitated cultural sites;
1 rehabilitated natural site;
Joint marketing research in the field of tourism;
Joint branding of a cross-border paleontological cultural product;
Web-based community networking platform;
Joint Open Database of Chepelare Cultural and Paleontological Points;
A joint travel application for smartphones and tablets;
Performances Show in Chepelare.
Project budget
Part "EU financial support" 1 622 407,09 €
National Funding Part 243 361,06 €
Total budget 1 213 416,11 €
Budget of LB (PB1) Chepelare Municipality 847 253,53 €
PB2 Budget Prosocani Municipality 775 153,56 €